Bernard Aubertin (1934-2015)
The French painter, media and object artist Bernard Aubertin was born in Fontenay-aux-Roses and moved to Paris to study at the École des Metiers d‘Art and afterwards at the École de Formation des Professeurs de Dessin, from 1950-1953. Aubertin initially painted landscapes, portraits and still lifes in the tradition of the pre-war avant-garde, until he met the young painter Yves Klein in 1957, who encouraged him to reflect upon the effects of pure color, light, movement and abstract sculptures. In 1958, Aubertin created his first monochrome paintings that were characterized through the use of vibrant red paint. Black paintings enhanced his artistic output from the 1980s. A famous follower of the ZERO movement, Aubertin is well-known for his nail pictures that have characterized his creative production since 1960. Besides, the artist has also worked with different materials, including fire, matches and fireworks. Aubertin exhibited his works in numerous international shows, including presentations in Paris (1972), Florence (1974), Caracas (1989) and Milan (1990). The artist lived and worked in Paris.

Asta n 87 Arte Moderna
Casa d‘ asta d‘arte moderna
Lodi Edintorni.
Archiviazione Ragionata Casa d'Aste
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