Monica Bonvicini, born in Venice in 1965. Since 1986 she’s been living, studying and working between Berlin, Los Angeles and in Vienna, letting her language open to many different contaminations. The art of Monica Bonvicini explores the relationships among space, gender and power, using different media as drawing, video, installation, photography. A pivotal aspect of Bonvicini’s work is her formal and expressive research in the field of environment sculpture: through a reflection on the gender issues, often mixed up with sharp humor, her work concentrate on the problem of building, both from the architectonic and from the social point of view. Bonvicini’s work is internationally recognized as one of the most interesting and original contribute to the art of the last years.She was recently Assigned the public commission for HUN LIGGER (SHE LIES), a site-specific sculpture floating in the water in front of the New Opera House in Oslo. She won important prizes as the Preis der Nationalgalerie fuer junge Kunst of the Hamburger Bahnhof Berlin (2005) and the Leone d’Oro at the 48 Biennale di Venezia (1999). She was visiting professor at the Pasadena Art center (1998/1999) and she teaches at the Academy of Fine Arts of Vienna. Bonvicini’s work was shown in prestigious private and public spaces: Palazzo Grassi, Venezia; Pinakothek der Moderne, Muenich; Prospect 1, New Orleans Biennial (2008); Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm; Sculpture Center, New York (2007); Sao Paulo Biennial; Galerie für Zeitgenössiche Kunst, Leipzig (2006), Contemporary Art Biennial, Goeteborg; 51 Biennale di Venezia; Castello di Rivoli (2005); Migros Museum, Zurigo; Sprengel Museum, Hannover (2004); Secession, Vienna; Museum of Modern Art, Oxford; 8 Istanbul Biennial; Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino (2003); Palais de Tokio, Parigi; Hamburg Kunstverein, Amburgo; Kunsthaus, Zurigo (2002); Le Magasin; Grenoble; List Visual Arts Center, Cambridge (2001); Salzburger Kunstverein, Salisburgo; Kunsthaus, Glarus (2000); GAM, Torino; De Appel Amsterdam; PS1, New York (1999).

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Renato Natale Chiesa
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